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Home > News > Togo's Health Minister speaks on vaccine hesitancy and preparedness for future pandemics, on the sidelines of the World Health Assembly

Published May 22, 2022 / Public health

Togo's Minister of Health on vaccine hesitancy and preparedness for future pandemics, on the sidelines of the World Health Assembly


On 22 May, on the occasion of the meeting organised by Les Entreprises du Médicament (LEEM-France) on the sidelines of the World Health Assembly, the Brazzaville Foundation scheduled a presentation by Prof. Mijiyawa on the theme "Vaccine hesitancy and preparedness for future pandemics", in the presence of the WHO Chief Executive, ministers of health from French-speaking countries, French-speaking ambassadors from Geneva, leaders of organisations, and leaders from the private sector and civil society.

Caption: Speech by Prof. Mijiyawa, Minister of Health and Public Hygiene of the Togolese Republic at the meeting of delegations from French-speaking countries at the World Health Assembly, © LEEM.