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Home > News > Congo signs up to Stop Ivory's Elephant Protection Initiative, supported by the World Conservation Union Brazzaville Foundation

Published September 16, 2016 / Environment

Congo signs up to Stop Ivory's Elephant Protection Initiative, supported by the World Conservation Union. Brazzaville Foundation


The Brazzaville Foundation welcomes the Republic of Congo's decision to sign the Elephant Protection Initiative on 30 December 2015. It thus becomes the 11th country on the African continent to join this inter-governmental initiative aimed at safeguarding African elephants by putting an end to trafficking ivory. It is spearheaded by the independent NGO Stop Ivory, with the support of the Brazzaville Foundation.

Caption: Stop Ivory NGO logo.

"The livelihoods of elephants and people alike depend on peace and stability. We therefore welcome this partnership with Brazzaville Foundation, which works tirelessly to resolve conflicts and preserve nature, as part of the Elephant Protection Initiative." Alexander Rhodes, Chief Executive Stop Ivory

Find out more about the Elephant Protection Initiative atElephant Protection Initiative.