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Home > News > In his latest book, Sundeep Waslekar calls for a world without war

Published October 30, 2022 / Peace

In his latest book, Sundeep Waslekar calls for a world without war


Sundeep Waslekar, Chairman of the Strategic Foresight Group and Advisory Board Member of Brazzaville Foundation, has just published a new book, "A World Without War", with HarperCollins India. We recommend it.

Is a world without war possible? In this visionary book with a provocative title, Sundeep Waslekar gives a clinical description of what leads to conflict, and calls on his contemporaries to share responsibility, since human nature is at the heart of the issues he addresses.


Drawing on extensive research in the fields of politics, technology, philosophy and history, and writing in a compelling, non-academic voice, Sundeep Waslekar investigates what creates the conditions for war, and questions the ever-present danger of nuclear weapons and nationalism. He proposes a global social contract to help establish lasting peace: "It is possible to convert violence into peace. It is possible to transform darkness into light. It is possible to turn despair into hope. It is possible to end wars and unite the world".


Without being a dreamer, this practitioner of Track II diplomacy relies on concrete observation of the facts, and on his experience of international mediation.


Sundeep Waslekar was one of the major facilitators of the process that led to the creation of the Congo Basin Blue Fund, ahead of the COP22 in Marrakech.


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