Foulo Basse
Chief Executive
Foulo Basse has a rich experience acquired in the public service, in the academic field and in the private sector in Europe and numerous expert missions in Africa. He has held senior positions at the Agence Nationale de Sécurité Sanitaire de l'Alimentation, de l'Environnement et du Travail (A.N.S.E.S.), from coordinating the European Med-Vet-Net network to managing the administration of laboratories. Mr Basse was also Director General of Services at the University of Evry-Val d'Essonne for 8 years. He has led a number of conferences, particularly on high-impact subjects. He is the founder of Foulo Basse Conseil, a consulting company specialising in responsible strategy, the development of sustainable products, services and policies, extra-financial reporting, quality management and change management. Foulo Basse has been a volunteer member of a number of NGOs, as well as a member of Think Tanks on social issues (gender, sustainable development, global warming, etc.).
- Rapporteur of the "Rencontres de Marrakech"