Published July 01, 2020 / Peace
Peace process in Libya: The Ollivier method

"Getting the irreconcilables to talk" is one of the mantras of the "Ollivier method" reported in an article by Jeune Afrique journalist Jihad Gillon on the work of Jean-Yves Ollivier, Founding Chairman of the Brazzaville Foundation, which aims to facilitate the development of a peace process in Libya, a country mired in civil conflict since 2014.
Caption: Participants at the 2018 Dakar Forum for the facilitation of intra-Libyan dialogue..
In May 2018, Jean-Yves Ollivier and the Brazzaville Foundation had organised a meeting in Dakar, with the support of the Senegalese government and the African Union, to foster rapprochement and reconciliation between Libyans from all political backgrounds. Mandated by the African Union, the Chairman of the Brazzaville Foundation is currently working on the follow-up to this initiative.
Jeune Afrique's article explains how "master negotiator" Jean-Yves Ollivier's method is helping to create a climate conducive to reconciliation by focusing on the internal issues at stake in today's divided Libyan nation.
A second meeting could take place at the African Union headquarters in Addis Ababa in July 2020. It would provide an opportunity for the various parties in Libyan society to make their voices heard and express their wishes for the construction of a peaceful Libya.
Read thefull article here or on the Jeune Afrique website.
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