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Published September 08, 2023 / Public health

Strengthening the pharmaceutical legal framework in Togo


Lomé, 8 September 2023 - A scoping meeting brought together key actors from the Directorate of Pharmacy, Medicines and Laboratories (DPML) in Togo, representatives of the Brazzaville Foundation, and Professor Antoine Amari, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Law and Regulation at the Université Félix Houphouet Boigny in Abidjan, an international consultant commissioned by LEEM.

From left to right: Dr Christ Kossivi, DPML Pharmacist; Mr Richard Amalvy, Chief Executive Brazzaville Foundation ; Mr Abalo Mani-Badang Badaki, Biological Engineer; Dr Dalkoi Lamboni, Chief Executive p.i. of DPML; Mr. Cédric Otse-Mawandza, Head of Mission at Brazzaville Foundation ; Dr Solim Aleika, Legal Officer, DPML; Dr Maheza Agba, Head of DPML Pharmaceuticals Division; Pr Professeur Amari Antoine, Doctor of Law and Pharmaceutical Regulation, © Brazzaville Foundation.

This meeting allowed Dr. Dalkoi Lamboni, Acting Director of the DPML, and members of his team, to define the objectives and expected results of the mission to strengthen the legal framework of the pharmaceutical sector in Togo, and the effective establishment of an efficient Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency, in accordance with the guidelines of the National Plan to fight against SFMP that has just been established in the Togolese Republic for the next five years (2023-2027) with the objective of strengthening the national normative and institutional framework and adapting it to the fight against SFMP; to fight against SFMP penetration circuits in the regulatory pharmaceutical supply chain; and to combat the marketing channels of SFMP.


The meeting ended with the formulation of concrete deliverables, including the finalisation of a revised draft pharmaceutical law, the creation of an inter-institutional working group to monitor the implementation of the new regulations, and the organisation of awareness-raising workshops for pharmaceutical sector actors in Togo.

All this is the result of the exemplary work carried out by experts from seven ministries, who met in workshops over a three-month period, overseen by the Minister of Health, Public Hygiene and Universal Access to Healthcare, Pr Moustafa Mijiyawa, who entrusted the chairmanship of the inter-ministerial committee to Dr Kokou Sika Dogbe. The mantra of the Brazzaville Foundation, "give primacy to African competence", proved its validity by highlighting the skills of the Togolese ministry executives involved.., © Brazzaville Foundation.