Published October 06, 2021 / Public health
Treaty establishing the African Medicines Agency enters into force

On Tuesday October 5, Cameroon became the 15th member state of the African Union to deposit its instrument of ratification of the treaty establishing the African Medicines Agency (AMA), alongside Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Mauritius, Namibia, Niger, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe.
Caption: "Today is a historic day. Cameroon has become the 15th country to deposit its instrument of ratification for the African Medicines Agency. The treaty will enter into force in 30 days' time (November 5). The AMA will be a game-changer on our continent." Tweet and photo by Michel Sidibé, Special Envoy of the African Union.
For the African Union and its special envoy Michel Sidibé, the objective has been achieved: the treaty will enter into force on November 5, a crucial step in responding to the health and security emergency facing the African continent.
Since the treaty's adoption in February 2019 by the 32nd session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government, the African Union and its special envoy Michel Sibidé have multiplied their efforts to plead the cause of better regulation and easier access to quality medical products. In all, 26 of the 55 member states have expressed their commitment by signing and/or ratifying the treaty.
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