Published March 25, 2023 / Public health
Coordination of the Lomé Initiative: audience with Togo's Minister of Health

Lomé, 25 March 2023 - Professor Moustafa Mijiyawa, Minister of Health, Public Hygiene and Universal Access to Health Care, received Mr. Richard Amalvy, Chief Executive and Mr. Cédric Otse-Mawandza, Head of Mission, during an audience that allowed them to review the political and technical coordination of the Lomé Initiative against Falsified and Substandard Medicines (FSM).
(From left to right) Mr. Cedric Otse-Mawandza, Head of Mission; Professor Moustafa Mijiyawa, Minister of Health, Public Hygiene and Universal Access to Health Care of the Togolese Republic; Mr. Richard Amalvy, Chief Executive of the Foundation, © Brazzaville Foundation.
The Minister and the representatives of the Foundation were able to prepare their common agenda for the next World Health Assembly in Geneva, from 21 to 30 May 2023. Several meetings are planned with the entire diplomatic corps and representatives of the accredited international organisations, with the Ministers of Health of the Commonwealth and the Francophonie, as well as with representatives of the pharmaceutical industry, which has played an essential role in the fight against FSM.
They also imagined replicating the side event on FSM held at the WHO Regional Committee in Lomé in August 2022 during the next regional committee, organised in Bostwana, at the end of August 2023. Indeed, the growing awareness of public and private health actors calls for a large-scale continental mobilisation.
The representatives of the Foundation took advantage of this visit to congratulate the Minister on the recent publication of his book "L'approche contractuelle dans les formations sanitaires publiques du Togo" ("The contractual approach in public health facilities in Togo") published by L'Harmattan, and to obtain the author's dedication. We will come back to this book in a future article.
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