Published November 14, 2022 / Environment
G20: DRC, Brazil and Indonesia sign agreement to protect tropical forests

On the sidelines of the G20 summit in Bali, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Brazil and Indonesia signed an agreement on November 14 for the valorisation of their forest resources. Representing 52% of the world's tropical rainforest, the three countries are calling on developed countries to finance the conservation of these forests, which are essential in the fight against global warming.
Caption: Representatives of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Brazil and Indonesia at the G20..
This historic agreement follows the announcement by representatives of the three countries of their intention to cooperate on the sidelines of COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, on November 7. The aim is to work together to preserve their tropical forests, which are threatened by human activity, as part of the search for climate solutions.
In particular, it calls for these three countries to be compensated by the international community for reducing deforestation, focusing on common issues such as climate finance and the price per tonne of carbon on the carbon credit market.
"The three most important tropical forest basins in the world will henceforth benefit from compensation commensurate with the ecosystem services rendered to humanity: Solidarity-Unity of action, our motto", pleaded the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Environment of the DRC, H.E. Eve Bazaiba.
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