Published May 26, 2021 / Public health
MEDICRIME Convention: Brazzaville Foundation becomes an observer

The Committee of the Parties to the Council of Europe's MEDICRIME Convention granted observer status to Brazzaville Foundation at the end of the first day of its fourth plenary meeting on May 26, 2021 in Strasbourg.
The Foundation will therefore be able to attend the Committee's meetings from the second day of its plenary session on May 27.
The MEDICRIME convention is a binding legal instrument in the field of criminal law. It makes it possible to criminalize the counterfeiting, manufacture and distribution of medical products placed on the market without authorisation, or in violation of safety standards. This convention is part of the legal arsenal that the signatory countries of the Lomé Initiative have committed to ratify.
Richard Amalvy, Chief Executive, who presented Brazzaville Foundation 's candidacy this morning, declared: "We would like to thank the Committee of Parties to the MEDICRIME Convention and the Executive Secretariat for the trust placed in our foundation and in the signatories of the Lomé Initiative whom we are supporting in signing and ratifying the convention. As I said this morning at the plenary session, we want to strengthen the alliances that will enable us to combat trafficking falsified medicines in Africa. This new status gives us the opportunity to do just that.
On December 2, Professor M. Mijiyawa, Minister of Health of the Republic of Togo, and Richard Amalvy took part in the 3rd plenary meeting to discuss the Lomé Initiative and present the systemic inter-ministerial approach to combating falsified and substandard medicines. To find out more, read the article here.
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