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Home > News > United Nations : the Brazzaville Foundation joins the Board of Directors of the NGO conference

Published December 01, 2021 / Foundation

United Nations: The Brazzaville Foundation joins the board of the NGO conference


New York, December 1, 2021 - The 27th General Assembly of the Conference of NGOs (CoNGO) in consultative relationship with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) was held from November 29 to December 1, in New York and in a hybrid format.

Caption: Richard Amalvy, Chief Executive of the Brazzaville Foundation with Liberato Bautista, President of the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations. Between 2008 and 2010, Richard had already served as Vice President, representing World Scouting, © Brazzaville Foundation.

The meeting adopted a set of best practices concerning the role played by NGOs in public debate from the local to the international level, through the implementation of participatory processes that complement the mechanisms of representative democracy. Discussions also focused on the multilateral dimension of global dialogue, and the long-standing appropriation of this concept by NGOs. Indeed, multilateralism is not just a matter for states: following the example of the Brazzaville Foundation, many NGOs are diplomatic players in international civil society.


The General Assembly renewed the mandate of Liberato Baustita as President of the Conference. Represented by Richard Amalvy, Chief Executive, the Brazzaville Foundation joins the Board of Directors as Treasurer. This position is based on the principles of independence, integrity and transparency of NGOs in their management. The Brazzaville Foundation will be, for three years, the guarantor of the application of its principles for the NGO community in working relationship with the United Nations system.