Published on 1 March 2022 / Public Health
Covid-19: Togo's new social policy strategies

Over the past two years, Togo has seized development opportunities in the health and economic sectors, adopting innovative social policy strategies.
Faure Gnassingbé, Head of State of the Togolese Republic, has deployed a strategy to fight the virus that takes into account the international effort to contain it, with the deployment of digital tools such as the recognition of the Covid-19 digital vaccination certificate issued by Togo and recognised by the European Union, or the development of the Novissi platform to address the socio-economic inequalities accentuated by the pandemic
Despite a general reluctance to accept restrictions linked to the Health Pass, the Togolese population quickly embraced the vaccination campaign launched on March 10, 2021, reinforced by an order for several million doses from the African Union's African Vaccine Acquisition Trust (Avat) and international laboratories.
The strategies put in place to ensure the security and maintenance of the economy in Togo have now proven their worth, as the country has one of the highest vaccination rates in the sub-region. Togo, as a signatory and political coordinator of The Lomé InitiativeTogo, as a signatory and political coordinator of the programme, confirms its commitment to health and security in Africa.
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